* easy and fast editing via smart objects
* possibility of add and edit selective varnish
* passibility of substitution background
* atomatic background perspective

Kitchen Branding Mock-up Advanced, easy to edit mockup. It contains everything you need to create a realistic look of your project. Guarantees the a good look for bright and dark designs and perfect fit to the shape. Easy to navigate, well described layers, friendly help file. PRODUCT DOES NOT CONTAIN PRESENTED GRAPHIC DESIGN Features 8 photorealistic compositions Photoshop CS 5 or higher compatible 4000 ×2670 pixel resolution in 300 dpi quality easy and fast editing via smart objects organizaed layers and folders possibility of scale and delete selected objects possibility of adding and editing selective varnish passibility of substitution background atomatic background perspective BOARD_graphic side 1 950×1300 px BOARD_graphic side 2 50×130 px SHOVEL_graphic 396×2111 px FORK_graphic 330×2112 px KNIFE_SMALL_handle graphic1 841×187 px EKNIFE_SMALL_blade graphic1 666×168 px KNIFE_BIG_handle graphic1 1007×240 px KNIFE_BIG_blade graphic1 1515×342 px PAN_graphic 1200×1200 px SALT_labbel g