Supplement Jar & Box Mock-Up 9 Advanced, easy to edit mockup. It contains everything you need to create a realistic look of your project. Guarantees the a good look for bright and dark designs and perfect fit to the shape. Easy to navigate, well described layers, friendly help file. PRODUCT DOES NOT CONTAIN PRESENTED GRAPHIC DESIGN Features 9 photorealistic presentations possibility to turn off elements possibility to move and scale elements possibility of adding and editing selective varnish Photoshop CS 5 or higher compatible 4000 ×2670 pixel resolution in 300 dpi quality easy and fast editing via smart objects organizaed Layers and folders passibility of substitution background atomatic background perspective 7,5×13 – natural box proportion 9,7×8 – natural jar label proportion ( visible half of the circumference ) 3,7×3,7 – natural jar cap sticker proportion